Islam Basic Studies

Islam Basic Studies

The lack of information and awareness of Islam is the biggest weakness of Muslims. Since this gap has prevented progress in the field of knowledge, Those who understand religion have continuously made references and words to it. It is obvious that, despite living a prosperous and comfortable life, Muslims living in communities with non-Muslim majority populations still face the problem of distancing themselves from their religious and civilizational identity. This issue has made their children and the new generation face challenges. In addition, incorrect and incomplete information creates unfortunate consequences due to misperception and misunderstanding. And criminal groups may abuse the emotions of teenagers. Our goal is that, despite many of our compatriots being far from their homeland, their children should have enough information about their religion and origin country. The teaching language is Persian; if necessary, English is also used. Its goal is that the learner, in addition to learning about religious issues, also benefits from getting to know one of the country's languages. By participating in this class, every learner can:

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